Company Management Business

Company management business in Labuan IBFC provides treasury processing services and such other services, and to such persons as maybe permitted by Labuan FSA.

Provisions of treasury processing activities include back and middle office processing functions, such as confirmation of deals, preparation of accounting records, maintenance of registers and files as well as custodial services.

In line with Shariah related services, the company management can also provide Islamic advisory services and backroom processing functions. 

Labuan company management that provides Islamic company management services must engage a Shariah Advisory Panel to advise on its operations.

Who can apply for a Labuan company management business license?

  • A firm engaging in company management activities licensed by the regulatory authority in the country of origin, if applicable;
  • A Labuan company incorporated or registered under the Labuan Companies Act 1990 which is managed by personnel with necessary expertise and skills;
  • A credible and viable business plan that sets out the approach to implement the proposed business objectives or operations;
  • A set of proper internal policies and controls that commensurate with the business profile or risks;
  • Board members and senior management that have the competency and experience to undertake company management business; and
  • No adverse report on the shareholder or directors of the company or applicant.

Other Services:

  • Formation of Labuan Company And Administration
  • Provision of Registered Office
  • Corporate Secretarial Services
  • Company Secretary
  • Accounting Services
  • Licensing Services
  • Corporate Tax Services
  • Work Permit/ Employment Pass
  • Opening of Bank Account Services
  • Re-domiciliation Exercise