Encik Nik Azmir Nik Anis


Encik Nik Azmir has 27 years of banking experience with several local and foreign banks specialising in Branch and Banking Operations, Operational Risk Management, Anti-Money Laundering, Compliance and Ethics & Integrity. His primary roles and responsibilities include managing the Bank Islam Group’s overall compliance risk and shaping the Bank’s compliance culture. He acts as key liaison officer to the regulators.

Encik Nik Azmir holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from University of Pittsburgh, USA. He completed his Master of Business Administration (MBA) with Nottingham Trent University, UK. He is a Certified Professional in Islamic Finance (CPIF) accorded by the Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals and a Certified Professional in Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Financing of Terrorism by the International Compliance Association (ICA), UK. He attended the Advanced Compliance Academy Program at University of California at Berkeley, US (Paris Cohort). He is also has completed his International Masters in Anti-Corruption and Collective Action with International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA), Austria.

Encik Zaharin Mohd Ali


Encik Zaharin Mohd Ali has about 25 years of experience in the banking industry and has served in various department primarily in sales and services-related functions. He has joined Bank Islam in 2010 as Head of Business in Commercial Banking where he was entrusted to drive the performance-based sales culture within the division. He was appointed as the Head of Corporate Banking on 1 January 2015. Encik Zaharin holds a Bachelor of Accountancy from University of Central England, UK.

Encik Ahmad Haliman Abdul Halim


Encik Ahmad Haliman has 26 years of experience in the banking industry. Since starting his career as a management trainee with a foreign bank, he has served in various departments including operations, trade finance, and commercial credit. He joined Bank Islam in 2014 as Head of Business in Commercial Banking where he was tasked to drive the business performance of the division and was subsequently appointed as the Head of Commercial Banking with the role of overseeing Bank Islam’s Commercial Banking portfolio. In 2022, he took a new role as the Director of Commercial Client Solutions with the key role to provide a total client solutions and services for Bank Islam’s clients.

Encik Ahmad Haliman holds a Master in Business Administration from Winthrop University, South Carolina , USA and a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA. He had also been accorded as a Certified Business Credit Professional by the Asian Institute of Chartered Banker and a Chartered Professional in Islamic Finance (“CPIF”) by Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professional.